Archive for July, 2006

Added United Kingdom

Monday, July 17th, 2006

The United Kingdom has been added, without telephone support.

A few notes:

  • The second half of the postal code is randomly generated, although the first half should match up with the city name.
  • Streets may or may not be localized properly. The UK contains multiple countries, and it was difficult to separate between them when adding street information.
  • Again, no telephone support yet. Hopefully we’ll be able to add this in soon.

Bulk order: Gender selection

Sunday, July 16th, 2006

Brought back the gender selection option for the bulk orders. It was originally removed due to a PayPal limitation on number of options, but I found a way around the limitation so things should work fine.

Support for browsers that have JavaScript disabled

Sunday, July 16th, 2006

I was feeling generous so I added support for browsers that have JavaScript disabled.

Layout Fix

Sunday, July 16th, 2006

First of all, I use Firefox exclusively. And since this started as a hobby project, I’ve never bothered viewing the Fake Name Generator in any browser but Firefox. But today I gave it a look in Internet Explorer and it looked TERRIBLE. Apparantly IE likes to pad forms, so I tweaked the CSS and now it should look pretty much the same in Firefox and IE.

Added name set bar

Sunday, July 16th, 2006

Added a little bar beneath the options to show what name sets are likely to be useful with the currently selected country. For example, you may not know that people in Switzerland speak German, and so you wouldn’t know to select the German name set. But with the bar, you can see what name sets match, and pick the one you want by clicking on it. Neat, eh?

Added Danish name set

Sunday, July 16th, 2006

Added the ability to generate Danish names. This is another fairly limited set, with only 36,700 unique possibilities, but at least you now have something to go along with Denmark addresses.

Added more error checking

Sunday, July 16th, 2006

Added a bit more error checking to prevent people from trying to load countries, name sets, or genders (!) that we don’t support. If a user modifies the URL to try to load a country, name set, or gender that is not supported, the website will use default values.

I don’t know why anyone would modify the URL in this way, but you never know…

Added Denmark

Sunday, July 16th, 2006

Added Denmark, without telephone number support.

Translators Wanted

Sunday, July 16th, 2006

We are looking for translators to help convert the Fake Name Generator webpage into other languages. At the very minimum, we’d like a translation of the main page (that’s under 200 words), but a full translation would also be appreciated. Please email us if you can help.

In other news, we’re about 70% done with adding support for German addresses and telephone numbers. Once Germany is done, we’ll work on tackling the UK.

Fixed typo

Sunday, July 16th, 2006

Oops! Had a typo in the terms of service. It said “resposibility” instead of “responsibility”. Guess that’s what you get for typing something up in the middle of the night in a rush. Oh well. It is fixed now.